Rolling posts on UK planning law, policy, appeals, plan examinations…

Winter notes: anti-woke enforcers, and news from the planning courts
3 recent Court of Appeal decisions not to miss.

#NPPF2024 - what we thought about… (2) housing numbers
Return of the mutant algorithm wars.

#NPPF2024 - what we thought about… (1) the “Grey Belt”
10,000 responses later, the picture is beginning to emerge. And it's grey.

This is not just *any* judgment: M&S in the High Court
This week’s High Court judgment on carbon and the M&S store on Oxford Street.

Buildin’ in the Rain: flood risk in the courts
Notes on a new High Court judgment on flood risk policy.

Beauty on the South Bank
What the Secretary of State’s approval of a scheme on the south bank of the Thames tells us about the debate over “beauty” in the planning system.

The basics #16 - why *4 year* housing land supply doesn’t mean what you may think
A primer on the Government’s new “4 year housing land supply” policy.

#PlanningReformDay 2023 - what just happened?
You’d better watch out. You’d better not cry.

Summer madness: what have you missed?
From M&S to 2nd staircases to nutrient neutrality - a summary of a jam-packed summer.
Gove, beauty and a curious tale from Kent
What Michael Gove’s recent refusal of a housing scheme in Cranbrook tells us about the beauty agenda.

“No Minister” - 8 clangers at the Select Committee
The Planning Minister’s depressing appearance before the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee.

Time up, pens down: what we thought of the draft NPPF
4 big points of consensus in responses to the NPPF consultation.

Notes on reform: what’s the NPPF *for*?
The most depressing thing about the consultation draft NPPF.

The basics #12 - “valued landscapes” vs. valued landscapes
What is a “valued landscape” and why does it matter.